Are You Winning the Debate on Drugs? - Max Speaks
What advice should you give your kids? #kidsanddrugs #debateondrugs #childrenanddrugs #drugdebatechildren #adviceforkidsaboutdrugs

Helping Kids in Transition - Max Speaks
Transitions between two homes can be stressful. Quick tips to decrease stress for your children. #stress #Decreasestressforchild...

Early warning signs of depression - Max Speaks
Need a quick list to recognize child / adolescent depression? #depression #childhooddepression #earlywarningsignsofdepression...

Dating after divorce - Max Speaks
Quick tips for dating after divorce. Are your children ready? #Datingafterdivorce #JenniferLeister #Divorcedkids #divorcedanddating...

Shutting Down Negotiations with your Kids - Max Speaks
How to get your child to stop arguing, negotiating or having fits. My favorite technique, “brain-dead”. #StopNegotiating #StopArguing...